How Can We Help

When you are diagnosed with cancer (or any major illness) there is no right or wrong way to react. Everyone is different, and you will deal with things in your own way. Take what you need to help you from this section. Ignore anything that doesn’t seem to help to you. And remember your Healthcare Team are always there to answer any questions you may have.

where to turn to

A pancreatic cancer diagnosis can bring a lot of overwhelming emotions and stress, often leading to feelings of isolation and uncertainty.  We understand the importance of having someone to talk to about what you are feeling – someone who has personally experienced what you are going through – whether you are a patient, caregiver or loved one of someone fighting this disease

NZ Cancer Society

New Zealand Cancer Society


Foundation One

Discover how FoundationOne Genomic Profiling can inform your unique cancer treatment plan.


Diabetes New Zealand

Together we can help kiwis with diabetes Live Well

Canopy Cancer

Canopy Cancer Care

world class cancer care delivered locally

Support Crew Logo

Support Crew

Making it easy to give a hand.

Be your own kind of Beautiful


I plan on increasing the number of support networks on my site

Living with cancer

More info to come

Time is precious

Don’t waste a moment