And Just Like That
And Just Like That …. they are gone
And Just Like That …. they are gone
Well the last couple of weeks have not been fun. Two weekends ago, I was planning a fun bike ride near Thames, but instead I ended up back in hospital for the weekend. After everything that has happened over the last 17-18 months, every ache, pain or weird thing that my body experiences or produces …
This is the third time I have sat to start writing this blog and the urge to stop and find something else to do instead of facing this is strong. I find I am staring out the window and I would love to say thinking about or planning things, but its actually more like a …
When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine Read More »
Before the chemo started I was told about Chemo Brain and really I just passed the comments off as “Hmmmph, what would you know, that’s not me!” Is there any scientific proof it exists. I was told the other day that its anxiety or imagined and that we talk ourselves into it. But then why …